Swapping Directions And Leaving Certain Platforms


So I “left” Twitter (but not really) in order to focus my energies on Goodreads, figuring it’d be a better social media platform.

Then I was almost immediately reminded that it’s not.

So here I am, figuring I’ll spend more time on my website and blog only to be reminded that Google fucking HATES me for whatever reason, no matter the SEO I deploy (or employ), no matter who I have working with.


One positive thing though - I’ve figured out that Twitter just AIN’T gonna be the place for me to develop an audience and platform of my own. Ditto Goodreads. I ain’t goin’ back to Facebook/Meta/Whateverthehell.


So I’ve been looking into it and, on the plus side of everything, it appears I need to swap directions in thought and approach.

We ain’t goin’ for marketing anymore, naw bruh. We’re looking for publicity now.

Moving forward in 2023, I ain’t gonna focus on marketing boutiques and trying to find an all-in-one source but, rather, a PR firm that can get me to the right influencers and media people. THAT is what I’ve been looking for, I just haven’t had the right phrasing to look for ‘em.

Already by seeking out publicists for indie authors instead of marketing, I’m already getting new links and names and all kinds of good stuff.

So! Let’s try and get at them apples. It may cost me 8k-10k or whatever, but if it gets the books out there and in front of actual new readers and brings in them funnels, that’s all that matters in the long run!

And we ARE about the long run.

Let’s fucking GO!