Hello. I am starting a blog.


I’ve done this before, but who knows - maybe after, like, ten years things will improve now. Maybe Google will finally work with the SEO of this particular location and ensure people who are seeking out the kind of topics that I tend to rant about (in this case, writing techniques and other nonsuch) will find me.

I do hope so.

BUT, butbutbut, let us not dwell on such things! Here, let’s start off with a humorous video I found.

And don’t worry. I won’t always blog like an oldhead…though I do, kinda, post like one on Twitter.

Anyway this’ll also give me a chance to see how SEO even works nowadays compared to 2012. Uuuuugh fuck me running, this is gonna make me sound so fucking old.

Whatever, on with the show:

~Thomas Duder, Author of the Things

Thomas Duder